Friday, January 27, 2012

More BS+small updates

So, Nick comes home from basketball practice last night and says he heard some kids got in trouble at school for bringing/having pot brownies.  He heard up to 20 kids got busted and were going to be suspended.  What a bunch of boneheads right?  Nick said he would talk to his locker neighbor, as it seems his sister may have been involved in the incident.

So later in the evening we get a recorded message in the phone from the principal saying "There was a great deal of social media activity tonight stating that up to 20 students have been expelled from school for an alleged offense. This is not true. Our school system's disciplinary system does not impose instant punishments for any offense. When severe punishment, such as a suspension or expulsion, is imposed, it is done only after a thorough investigation at the school and review at the central office. I'm asking you please do not contribute to the misinformation being spread. Thank you."

I was APPALLED at the gall and the bullshit in this message!!!!!!   This is the biggest load of bullshit in the history of bullshit!  When Jenna got busted with the tylenol, her suspension was effective IMMEDIATELY.  INSTANT.  No investigation (unless the searching of her bag was the alleged "investigation").  No review by the central office.  Just "hey, we're right, you're wrong now get out."

I swear any kids who brought or ingested pot brownies at school better get suspended and sent to the 30 day program at the alternative school.  If not, I will be SOOOO angry!  Not that I can do much, except maybe write a letter to the school board.  But if my kid was caught with a LEGAL substance in her backpack and was treated as if it were illegal under the so-called zero tolerance policy, these kids with ILLEGAL substances better be punished just as severely!!!!!  Hopefully Nick can get some valid information.  I sure don't count on the school being honest and letting the parents know what is really going on, but it would be nice if they did.  This story got to several news outlets so it is public knowledge.  The Sheriff has confirmed the incident.  So I am sure there will be a lot of inquiries!

Another small update...AJ informed me that it seems one of the kids who was instrumental in bullying her is "leaving school."  Not sure why, but it sounds as if he was busted for something else and may himself be heading for a 10 day suspension and a 30 day stint at the alternative school.  Of course she can't get specifics due to privacy, but she feels a little better knowing one of the main instigators will be gone for a while.  Maybe that kid's merry band of idiots will pipe down in his absence.

One last thing...I am somewhat happy to report that the man who was accused of harming Jenna's friend's son ended up pleading out.  To a lesser charge, yes, which is unfortunate BUT as understood, 10 more months in jail (in addition to the 2 he has been in so 1 year served) plus a year of probation.  I think I heard something about anger management classes, but not sure about that, will have to confirm.  But that would be a good thing.  AND it seems as if the guy has gotten the crap beat out of him a few times while he has been in.  Sweet justice, IMO. This was not the first kid he has hurt, sadly.  Hopefully it will be the last.  Though I won't hold my breath.  But we can dream, right??

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe that kid's merry band of idiots will pipe down in his absence."

    I hope so, too!
