Wednesday, January 11, 2012

SAHMoms are LAZY??

Ok so I was in the middle of doing something and did not have a chance to change the channel right away.  Anderson Cooper is on, and there are SAHMoms vs Working moms.  And the NERVE of some of these women who think stay at home moms are LAZY??  That we have no mental stimulation?  Staying at home is an excuse to shirk responsibility??  We are selfish??    The SAHmoms do not seem to be ripping the working moms, but boy those working moms are ripping up the stay at home moms!  The more I listen to some of this drivel, that more mad I get.  But I can't change the channel!  It's like a train wreck.  It is great if you CHOOSE to work outside the home.  It is great if you CHOOSE to stay at home.  But geez folks, it is not necessary to feel the folks who do not make your choice are bad parents or bad people!  I really dislike folks who are bitchy because others do not believe the same way they do.  SAHM vs working moms.  Breastfeeding vs bottlefeeding.  Co-sleeping vs crib sleeping.  Why can't we all support each others choices as PARENTS and stop judging because Jane Doe does not do things the same way as you do.  Makes me wonder if those folks who have such bad things to say about SAHMoms are maybe feeling guilty themselves and are trying to justify their choices.  Who knows!!

I am pretty much a stay at home mom, and I have been since Jenna was 5.  I am happy I am able to be here when the kids get home from school.  I am home so I can get them to their, practices, etc.  I am here to get things done like errands, shopping, cooking, laundry, homework, etc.  In April 2010, I did pick up a very part time job.  Right now I work 7-8 hours per week picking up kids for an after school program at a local martial arts studio.  The job is within school hours.  Noah gets picked up by the program since I am working, and we meet up at the studio when I am done.  He usually takes the karate class with the after school kids, and when he is done we go home.  It is only 4:00 by that time, and so there is still time to get stuff done before having to take anyone anywhere.  Anyone who knows the schedule around this place would be a fool if they accused me of being lazy.  My kids are active...karate, baseball, softball, basketball, football.  It is always something.  I wish I had time to be lazy sometimes!  (ok so maybe I do on our off nights...but still!)  If I worked full time, they would not be able to do the things they want to.    I feel fulfilled as a mom by being able to do things for my kids.  Why would anyone begrudge me of that??  Now, have I had to say no to things due to money issues?  Of course.  But that happens, it is part of life.  If I worked full time, sure maybe there would be more money but I'd have to tell them no because there is no time.  Do I neglect myself in favor of the kids?  Every day of my life.  But it is my CHOICE.  I am not unhappy overall.  (yes some days the kids make me unhappy but is that not true in any family?).  Raising my kids IS my job.  I may not draw a paycheck from it, but I get "paid" in other ways.  And I am by no means lazy or shirking responsibility.  And I do not get why anyone would even think that way.  Smacks of ignorance to me.

Besides, maybe one day it will all payoff when Nick hits it big in the NFL and can take care of me in return for everything I did for him HAHAHAHA!!!!

:::changing the channel now::::

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