Saturday, January 7, 2012

Passionate Mom

As I stated in an earlier post, my kids play sports.  A lot of sports.  And luckily, sports that I am familiar with.  I played baseball, softball and basketball in the past and while I never played football, I know (kinda lol) and love the game.  As such, I do tend to get heated during games when I see my kids getting screwed.  Whether it is a mucked up strike zone on my girl, non-calls when my son is being mugged like James Harrison in the backfield or BS fouls on the kids in basketball, I tend to get mad.  And vocal.  But never, ever have I ever felt the need to leave the court/field.  Until today.  The refereeing in Nick's game this morning was atrocious.  And I have seen some bad refereeing in basketball but  I had to walk away towards the end of the first quarter (I went back for the 4th quarter) after Nick got called for his 4th foul.  Now, you get 5 fouls in a game and you are out.  ONE of those fouls was valid. 2, there was no contact at all.  One was questionable at best.  And Nick was not the only one getting screwed over.  His teammates were getting mugged and not getting calls.  2 kids from the other team got their feet tangled up but a foul was called on one of OUR players.  Nick's coach was barking on the sideline as well.  The other team got screwed over once one point Nick's team had 6 on the court during some confusion in substitutions and a shot was made when play should have been halted.  I will say, Nick's team was down by 20 at one point but they never gave up and even though they did lose, they only lost by 4.  They showed heart.  But the way that 1st quarter was going and what I heard about the part of the game I missed...I had to leave or I may have gotten tossed out for being too vocal.
At least the refs in Noah's game did a much better job!

Disclaimer:  I get vocal.  I am passionate.  I have gotten tossed from a field once...when i was a teenager watching my brother play baseball and I was unhappy with the umpiring.  My solution?  Stand on the private property across the street and continue to watch the game and be vocal.  So...I do have my moments.  I try to be good.  Really.  I TRY.

Maybe just not very hard.

I think my kids appreciate my passion though.

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