Friday, January 6, 2012

A little about me...

Ok so now...a little about me.  I have been marries for 14+ years.  The big "15" is coming up in March.  I am not sure anyone who knew us would have imagined we'd last this long.  I met my husband online in an AOL chat room back in 1996, before meeting online was as common as it is today.  I lived in PA and he lived in AZ.  AOL charged $2.95/he back in those days so at first we just chatted a bit online but mainly exchanged emails.  But it was around that time AOL gave its employees an extra, or "1+1" account, to give to anyone they chose.  Hubby worked for AOL (and he still does) so he took the account and gave it to me.  Thus we could chat with no worried about how much it was costing me to do so (and with that, he made up the name "gottaluvya" and so that is me!) .  We met online at the end of April, he came to PA to meet in person in July, we got engaged before he left and then I moved to AZ in August and we married in March 1997.  Folks thought I was nuts...not only did I meet someone, become engaged and move 1800+ miles from home all in a matter of 4 months, I was also a single mom to a 5 year old girl.  But it seemed right, especially because my daughter, who did not like ANYONE outside of our family (and was even wary of some IN our family!) warmed up to my hubby almost right away.  Jenna...she did not like anyone outside the family, did not speak a word to anyone outside the family and generally was somewhat anti-social.  But she took to the strange man I brought home within a couple hours.  Yes she hid behind my legs at first, but by the end of the evening she was feeding him spaghetti.  That said a LOT to me.  That is why it all felt like it was the right thing to do.  15 years later, so far so good!!

We got married and went on to have 3 more kids (and hubby adopted Jenna when she was 9, so he is her father in every way that matters.).  We are generally a happy family of 6.  Jenna is 20, AJ is 14, Nick is 13 and Noah is 8.  Even though Jenna is grown up and moved out of the house (and engaged herself!! ack!!), obviously she is still part of the family.  (and when she does get married, I guess I get another kid too LOL).  The other kids are stuck with me for a few more years hahaha.  Hubby and I have our moments, although I really never let on about it (but I may vent from time to time now that I have an outlet!!).  I imagine folks generally thing we have the perfect marriage.  And I will say they are probably wrong...I know we are not perfect.  Then again I imagine it would be more odd if we did NOT have our moments of disagreement!  So I'd say we have a healthy relationship.  Again, not sure if anyone saw it lasting this long just because of the way it began.  But HA!! We are aiming for 50 or more!!!!!!!

We are usually a very busy family.  The kids are always into something, which started way back when Jenna first started playing softball when she was 8 and has not stopped since.  Nowadays, with 3 kids in different activities it feels as if we are always going.  The boys play football, all 3 play basketball, AJ plays softball and Noah plays baseball (Nick gave up baseball 2 years ago) and the boys also take karate.  And this spring, AJ and Nick plan to umpire in softball/baseball so we shall see how that works out.  Hubby and I take kickboxing and also fit in time at the gym most days of the week.  So, we are always going. Most days, I feel like I just need a nap!! (yet I don't sleep well at night, go figure!!)

And enough about me for now....

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