Friday, January 13, 2012

Logically, my kids actions ought to help me, right?

It never fails...I see a treat in the store, bring it home and never even get a nibble of it because the kids have found it and eaten every last crumb.  Now, I don't mind sharing but sheesh, to not get any of it?  And really, it does not matter if I bring home donuts, string cheese, fruit or cookies.  They will find it and devour it.  Even if I hide it, they will find it!  It is like they are on mission to find the goodies!  So, you would think that would help me out right?  I mean, if I buy it on a whim and bring it home but I never get to eat it, that is really all the better for me right?  Or, if I just don't buy it in the first place because, heck, I am not gonna get to indulge anyway, then that should be good too right?  Oh how I wish it worked that way!  It does not seem to for me, anyway.  All this stuff I have not gotten to eat...somehow, it still seems to have made its way to my waistline, I swear!  Or at least seems to have blocked me from dropping any more weight or inches.  And that really sucks!  I did not realize just looking at food was unhealthy! Cuz that is now it seems right now! :::grumble::: 

4-5 days at the gym, some days 2 times a day depending on schedule...2 kickboxing classes a week too...and being deprived of goodies...and changing the way I cook when necessary to make things a little better...and I have still been at a standstill for months!  And now I am getting frustrated and feeling like giving up sometimes.  I mean overall I have made progress so there is that.  But lately I have made 0 progress.  And yes i have changed up the routine and all that.  Added more gym time.  Trying different things.  I know in my head I gotta give it more time, but my psyche is taking a big hit.

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