Monday, January 23, 2012

They do come visit!

Kids are funny.  While growing up, they can't WAIT to leave home and go out into the "real world."  "Once I leave I am never coming back!" they say.  Then, once they are out there, THAT is when they realize how good they really had it!  THAT is when they may feel bad for all the whining and complaining about all of their chores, the curfews, the rules.  It is nice when they finally tell you how much they appreciated their childhood, even if it did not seem like it at the time.  And it is hard not to day "I told you so!"

Jenna has been out of the house for a little over 2 years now, and yup now she knows how nice it was to live at home with no responsibilities other than keeping her room clean and doing her laundry, plus the dishes when it was her turn to do them.  No work, no bills.  She left home to go to school, and lived with my mom while she did so.  She is still living with my mom, saving up to hopefully get a place of her own in the spring or summer.  More precisely, I should be honest...she and her fiancee are living with my mom and will get a place together when they save enough money.  They both work and they are making a dent in their savings goal.

But this week. she is HOME.  Yay! LOL.  She has come to visit for a few days.  Now, her primary motive is actually to be here to support a friend of hers.  A few months ago, her friend was happily engaged and planning a wedding.  The, her world was flipped because it turns out this man was also a child abuser.  Not sure how, but he broke the arm of Jenna's friend's son, who was 3 at the time.  As soon as this hearing was scheduled, Jenna made plans to come be supportive (especially when she found out that the boy, now 4, is actually expected to testify in front of the man who hurt him!  his statement apparently is not enough?  baloney!!).  That's Jenna, once a friend always a friend.  Even when it was found out that this hearing is actually only a preliminary hearing, Jenna still kept her plan and came.  And will try to come if/when there is an actual trial.  In my not-so-objective opinion, anyone would be lucky to have Jenna as a friend :)  Hopefully, we get to see Jenna for more than 5 minutes of her visit though!  She has so many folks who want to see her and so little time.  I guess that happens when you have friends, but then move away from them.  I guess we have similar issues when we go to Tucson to visit.  Folks who want to meet up with the hubby and catch up, but not enough time in any visit to get everyone in.  Maybe next time we should just have a big party at my in-laws house LOL.  Anyway, just saying that it is nice Jenna still wants to come home.  :)

AJ wants to go away to school too.  She wants to go back to AZ and live with my in-laws while she does it.  I hope she is paying attention to the dynamic between my mom and Jenna.  They get along fine...when they are not living together!  Living together makes for a whole different relationship.  Still have 4, wait, more like 3 1/2...ack!!!...before we get to that point!  It will fly though...

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