Monday, January 16, 2012

Just gotta keep going...

Why is it when I go to the gym, I am so sore afterwards?  Its not like I only do it once a month.  I mean, I feel all good afterwards, but then after coming home and showering and what not, I start to feel all blah and sore.  Yeah, yeah I know it means I worked hard but still! LOL  IT HURTS!!  But I know I gotta keep it up, because maybe if I do I will see changes eventually.

Going into week 3 of ramped up gym time.  No weight lost but many muscles worked!  I'll share my schedule, so that I have folks to answer to when I don't keep on it HAHAHAHA:

Monday:  9:40am Bodycombat class.  Then later, while Nick at at aikido and karate class (he takes the adult classes now, so his classes are in the evening while Noah's are after school or later afternoon), we hit the gym for another hour or so of weights and cardio (the gym is the same complex as the karate studio where I work and where the kids take karate so why not?) and then hubby and I do the kickboxing class at the studio, which is also an hour.

Tuesday:  hit the gym at 9 for 30 mins of cardio, followed by CXWORX, which is a 30 minute core class. (hubby goes in late and does this with me)

Wednesday: Nick has karate at 6:45 so we drop him at 6:30 and then hit the gym for about 45-50 minutes for weights/cardio, then go back to the studio for the 7:30 kickboxing class.

Thursday: 8am CXWORX and 8:35am Bodycombat classes (which hubby does with me so long as he has not been up till 3am doing maintenance for work LOL).  Then, Nick and Noah have basketball practice in the evening so usually hubby and I will go to the gym while they are practicing, which gives us about an hour or so of gym time. (if the gym were closer to AJ's practice site, we'd go while she was at basketball practice too but not enough time for that since her practice is only an hour  whereas the boys practices are 90 minutes lol)

Friday:  8:35am Bodypump class.  then the boys do weapons classes at the karate studio from 4 until 5:30 or 6:15 (depending on if they do 2 or all 3) and so...gym time again!  another hour or so depending on whether or not I have to pick up AJ from creative writing club at 5ish.

Saturday: depends on scheduling.  usually, 11:05 CXWORX class and then some cardio, at least 30 minutes, afterwards.  But as the seasons change, the schedule changes with basketball now, baseball/softball coming in the spring and football in the fall.  So this does not always happen!

Sunday: sometimes a day off, sometimes we try and get to the gym.  Again, depends on schedule right now, as AJ's basketball games are on Sundays.

Between the karate studio and the gym, I feel like I live in the complex where those buildings are!  Looking at my schedule, I wonder if I could squeeze some swim time in there, as there is a lap pool at the gym.  Bah...nah...I hate getting all wet most of the time LOL.  Maybe I need to work in some relaxation time in the steam room or sauna tho! HAHA.  Really, the cardio portions of my workouts are kinda relaxing.  There is a cardio cinema at the gym, and most of the time the movies suck BUT the room is dark and cool, and I will go in the cinema for those reasons alone.  gimme my mp3 player and that dark room and I am fairly happy in my own little world.   The gym also has a 24 hour section.  So if we are busy shuttling the kids around, feeding them, etc. we can still go the the gym later in the evening.  During baseball/softball season, thats what we did a lot, especially since AJ's games were later.  We'd see the kids to bed and then hit the gym at 10 or 11 for an hour or so.  So we really try to make the time.  Makes sense since we are paying for it right? LOL.

Now, lets see how long this ramped-up gym schedule lasts!!

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