Friday, March 11, 2016


MORE ROADBLOCKS! And I just want to SCREAM. But I won't. I will play nice like an adult.

I am certified now. As per the prior "policy changes" I should now be able to get on stage and team teach to gain experience teaching and working in front of a group and getting comfortable and confident, right? Because I already had approval to be on stage before those "policy changes" came down.
NOWWWWW....a new "technique check" person allegedly has to be consulted before I can be approved to be on stage. This is AFTER I passed an initial audition and AFTER I am fully certified per Les Mills standards. And this technique check person? Conveniently out of town. And by the time she comes back, WE will be away. And when I mentioned this latest development to others asking when I could get up and teach with them, I was met with more "WTF?!?!?!" responses, same as when I was informed of the policy changes regarding Les Mills trainees. (which, far as I know, still have not been communicated to anyone else or put into writing anywhere...)

I need to start somewhere. I want to start with people I know, people who I am comfortable with. I want to get a start and gain the experience so when I venture out looking for other opportunities, my ability will be the main focus, not my appearance.  The other instructors and members of the classes I attend are really supportive. But it is the group X manager who keeps throwing up these bullshit roadblocks. When the "tech check" girl comes back, what will be the next roadblock/excuse? NOBODY else has had to go thru this. I passed the same damn training and assessment as the other Combat instructors. So what gives? Again, I can't help but take it personally.

Look, if you don't want me, just come out and say it. Don't lie to me and throw trash at me hoping I will give in and retreat. Because I am not gonna back down. I will jump thru your hoops. For now.

Between this bullshit and the bullshit my oldest kid is throwing at me recently, I'm about ready to go run and hide under a rock for a few months and take a long, long nap. At least if I were asleep, I wouldn't have to deal with this baloney.

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