Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A long road to the stage.

So I have been a certified Body Combat instructor for close to 3 months now. YAY!

I am STILL trying to break through the roadblocks at my home gym. Seriously. I had to re-audition. Fine. There is a new program lead and the group X manager wanted the Combat program lead to assess my technique. No problem. I am familiar with her and she with me so it was simple. After that, I got the OK to team teach. But only 2 tracks. Back to back. And only in specific classes. Though I could shadow in any class where the instructor would have me on stage.  So, I did that. For a month. Maybe 6 weeks. By then I figured it was time to reach out and ask about maybe adding on more teaching time/tracks and such. However, that apparently is a no-go. Because, allegedly, while folks say I have done well so far, I need more intensity. The group X manager said she heard from members that I need more intensity. She also thinks I need to do more cardio work that is not Combat to work on my cardio fitness because she "worries" about me making it thru teaching a whole class. However, no amount of extra cardio or strength training (and I have returned to Body Pump, so that is covered) is going to help when I am doing options due to an injury, which I have dealt with recently. No amount of extra cardio or strength training  is going to help me talk more in class, because typically you don't talk on the treadmill or stair stepper or elliptical. I mean I guess you could but...the folks in the white jackets may come to check you out lol. is hard to build up any kind of intensity or coaching if I do not have the outlet in which to do it!  I mean I am new to all of this, so I am focused on coaching and technique. I want to be sure participants can follow easily. I show options, from low intensity up to high intensity. Because hey, that is what we are taught in training. And I have seen master presenters and trainers encourage instructors to use and show options, especially as these newer releases can get more intense and difficult. I mean, I have done paperwork and am officially an employee of the gym in a technical capacity but I am not on the sub list or anything yet because I have not been deemed ready to teach a full class.

So, it was suggested to me by a couple fellow instructors and friends to contact the group X manager at another gym that just opened in the last couple of months where they also teach and see about getting on their sub list. She had me come in and audition and took me on. So I can actually use my certification now!  I am just a sub, but today will be my 4th class. I know that it could be a week, a month or even longer before anyone needs a sub again but at least I have the opportunity to jump in if needed. Now I have the chance to work on everything.  And as I have done classes, I have identified areas that need work...mainly talking lol. Not the coaching per se, but filling in some gaps of silence. I have been told that sometimes less is more, but man...I feel odd when I can't think of anything to say to the participants!  I am sure it will come with more experience and also as I teach more tracks, because some tracks I can talk all the way thru because they are so familiar to me things just pop into my head. Other times, my brain is a complete blank. I know some of it also comes from my anxiety so any time in front of a group talking is a win overall.

I can only hope I am doing a good enough job.

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