Wednesday, June 27, 2012

20 years...

Last weekend was my 20 year high school reunion.  I was all like...20 years?  WTH?  Have I been asleep all that time?  HOW could 20 years pass? But alas, it did.  I found it funny the way I found out about it:  hubby and I were watching an episode of "Cold Case" that revolved around a 10 year reunion.  My class did not have one but hubby's did and we went and had a decent time.  That made me realize my 20th was coming and he asked if I would go if they had one.  I said sure, why not but I was not expecting it because there was no 10th.  NO LIE, folks, not 10 minutes later as the eppy was ending I saw someone post the link to the reunion info LOL.  I checked it out and figured we could go.  It is only a 4 hour drive to Pittsburgh plus it was the week after my daughter's birthday so we could do something with her as a real adult.  And so we did.  Had a night out Friday night and a luncheon on Saturday and actually had a good time.  I saw folks I had not seen since graduation day.  And, truth be told, I was shocked that everyone who showed up actually remembered me!  Though some did not recall I had a kid between junior and senior years.  That's ok tho LOL.    A lot of us commented on how so many of us looked the same. the lunch, someone busted out the yearbooks.  Our memories must have been clouded by all the hairspray we used in high school! LOL.  Oh, the HAIR!  I swear, our parents should have held stock in AquaNet!  And things we forgot about until someone mentioned them.  It was nice.

There were folks that did not come who i wish would have.  A couple folks I have kept in touch with at some time in the last 20 years and it was great to see them again.  The folks I have not seen or heard from in all these years?  Still had a great time chatting and catching up.  Meeting the hubbies.  Seeing photos of the kidlets.  Showing off my own, of course!  Our class was only about 120-125 and of those I think I saw 25-30 folks between events.  With Facebook, maybe more of us can keep in touch every so often.

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