Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I wonder if I have found the root to my problems...my irritability, crankiness, soreness, tiredness...all of it.  I think I am burnt out.  I go to the gym or do some other activity all the time and I am not seeing the results I want to or think I should see.  Spending 6 days a week at the gym, sometimes 2x a day, apparently was not enough right?  So what do I do?  add more stuff!  And nothing changes.  And folks say "it is OK to take a break" but in my mind, taking a break=failure.  Even though I already feel like I have failed, I'd feel like a quitter on top of it.  So I keep pushing.  But is it really worth it?  To be cranky all the time, to be so easily driven to tears over the littlest things, to be so snippy with my kids and even my husband?  Why do I keep killing myself at my own expense as well as others?  I added this whole running (well, walk/jog) thing in to my routine and I am SORE.  I am TIRED.  I don't feel I am getting any better at it.  I'd like to run a 5k someday, but a 5k in 44 minutes it really stinky.  Yeah it has only been 2 1/2 weeks with the running thing.  I am still unsure about it.  But I keep pushing it.  My knees, hips, back all are screaming at me.  But I am ignoring them.  Why?  I have NO idea.  Apparently, I have issues LOL.  I guess having to cart everyone here, there and everywhere all thru the winter and spring was not my main problem after all, or else I would feel better by now!  Its not them, its me.  Some of the time anyway!

We have a long weekend away coming up.  Maybe it is coming at the right time.  Then we have a week away shortly after.  Again, probably coming at the right time.  I won't completely take off from working out, but maybe I will take it at a more relaxed pace.  I know I need to unwind, to mellow out.  I am sure my family would agree.  Maybe a more relaxed schedule will help out.  i guess we will see....

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