Thursday, February 11, 2016

Defeated. Down...but not out yet...

Video results are in and they are making me retape. I rocked the Choreogrpahy and apparently did great on the Coaching. But they killed me on technique, enough that even with a 2/3 its not enough to get fully certified yet. Technique that was labeled as a strength in initial training.

And while I hate to complain too much and I don't like to criticize, I attended a taping not too long ago where I was about 95% certain there would need to be a retape but the girl passed. Her choreography/timing was off and her technique needed work. At least from what I could tell. And she had not, and still has not, gained the approval to be on stage to teach yet (meanwhile, I had that approval before the alleged policy change reversed that...but anyway...).  But no, she passed her video first try. And I was not good enough.  And now it's in my head...I am worse than THAT? I have no chance...

I can't submit a new video for at least 2 weeks. So, in 2 weeks I will retape and resubmit. I will practice until then, focusing on what exactly they thing I screwed up on and I will pray the second taping goes well.

Until then...more stress! more doubt. more worry.
Like I have the time and strength for all that.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Waiting Game...

So, I did my taping for Body Combat assessment on Saturday. According to those in attendance (which included 3 certified instructors), it went great and I was encouraged to submit the video. So I did. I submitted Sunday morning and now...I wait. They say I should hear in 2 weeks. It is day 2 and I am SO NOT GOOD AT WAITING!! I want to know NOW!

I can get 1 of 2 outcomes...I can pass with a 2/3 or 3/3 and become fully certified OR I can get a 1/3 and be asked to do another taping and submit it, focusing on whatever the assessor claims my flaws are. The 3 categories are Choreography, Technique and Coaching. While I know I will get at least 1/3 because my choreography was about 1/2 beat away from spotless (I was called the Choreography Queen in training lol), I worry about the other 2. Did I do it right? Did I rotate my hip/arm/shoulder enough? Did I retract my leg enough? Did I remember to get the Layer 1 and 2 cues/coaching out? (I know I had soooooo much scripted out and going thru my head, but I did not get it all out....but did I get the right things out at the right time??). I mean, Choreography and Technique were both marked as strengths for me in training, but that was just presenting 1 track and shadowing 1 track. There are 10 tracks in a class. And while they mainly grade on 10 compulsory moves (5 of which were present in my presenting track so I know I should do fine on those 5 moves. And really, there are 9 compulsory moves in this release, as there are no blocks. You must achieve 70% competency in technique to pass that part of the video), what will they think about the non-compulsory moves I know I don't have 100%? I know I don't go low low on feet don't always allow it. My back cramped up so my push-ups were mainly tabletop and not standard, will that be a black mark even tho push-ups are not compulsory moves?  You have to show "competency" in coaching, getting in Layer 1 and Layer 2 cues. Did I get enough out? What did I miss? My brain is going in sooooooo many directions. 

I am not sure I can wait 12 more days to see my assessment outcome. I am anxious yet scared. I REALLY do NOT want a re-do on this LOL!

Tick tock, tick tock....