Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First 5k run...done!

I set 1 New Year's Resolution this year:  to participate in a 5k run.  Seems fairly painless, and one that can be "one and done."  Not like "I am going to stop smoking" where one stops for a week and starts again, and has to keep trying as they cycle keeps repeating itself.  Not like "I am going to lose 20 pounds" and then they end up becoming so frustrated that they gain 10 pounds and have even more work to do.  Those things usually end in frustration and failure.  I am tired of being frustrated (this whole "i am working out like a madman and eating fairly well but still not losing weight" thing is really pissing me off! lol) so I chose something I knew I could do.  I did not set a time goal or anything, just "to do a 5k in 2013."  Easy.  No expectations.  Just...do it!

I started the Couch to 5k program.  Again.  It was the 3rd start for me.  The first time, I gave up.  The second time, I injured my foot in such a way I could not run comfortably.  The third time was a charm, and I finished the program.  On the treadmill.  Making the move outside, however, I almost felt like I had to start over!  The air, especially when it was chilly...the pavement vs the treadmill belt...all different.  I had tried some outside jogging last summer and the heat and humidity got to me a couple times.  But, 5k runs are always outside so I had to give it another go.

I found a 5k close to home.  One where I could actually go run the course first to see how I would hold up.  I did ok, "posting" a time of 41:25 according to the Map My Run app on my phone. That course has a big incline at the beginning, and a smaller one around the 1 mile mark.  Inclines are not my friends!  So the time was definitely a surprise to me.  Unfortunately, either during that run, during Body Flow after the run or during Body Combat class the next day, I did something to my foot.  Not sure what, but it was a little uncomfortable and slightly swollen (second toe, mainly).  However, I carried on.  I have no time to rest!  The following week, I stuck to running the 3+ miles on the track at the school here by our house.  Fairly flat run. Did that in a hair under 40 minutes.  It is always a combination of jogging and walking, as I just can't jog that full distance as of yet.  The breathing aspect of running is something I am still trying to figure out!  But I was happy with my times so I registered for the 5k.

Sunday was the day.  I got my butt out of bed at 6:45am.  Anyone who knows me knows that NEVER happens, as I am so NOT a morning person!  It was colder than it had been in a while, with temps in the 30s.  Brrr!!  But I got out there and did it.  Ran.  Walked.  Jogged.  In the cold.  And with pollen everywhere.  My throat got raw and scratchy, my nose started running despite my remembering to take my Allegra and my foot is still a little uncomfortable as well.  But, all combined, it got me an official "chip time" of 40:44.  It was a small race, and I still did not come in last.  Officially, 97th out of 115 runners who finished, with a handful who did not finish according to the official stats. (and, BTW, the winner finished in under 16 minutes.  GEEZ! LOL.)  BUT...I DID it.  I FINISHED it.  I mean, I could always walk.  I could walk to the ends of the earth.  But run? jog?  HA.  Not until now.  Still a lot of work to do.  And....to be quite honest about it...I am not loving running.  But I am doing it anyway.  To show that I can.  To show that anyone can!  Maybe, just maybe I am not meant to lose anymore weight.  The lack of loss has been so frustrating to me.  But I keep going.  And so I wonder if maybe, instead of losing weight, maybe other folks like me will see me and think "hey if she can do it, so can I!"  Maybe be somebody's inspiration to start, or keep doing whatever they are doing.  That goes for the running/jogging/walking, as well as the BodyCombat and Cxworx classes I do at the gym and also the weightlifting circuit I do as well.  You don't have t be skinny to enjoy exercise or do it well.  And while I don't enjoy running, I certainly do enjoy the other things I do.  And maybe as I do it more, running will grow on me, especially if I can figure out the whole breathing thing.

Eyeballing another 5k to do, possibly in a week and a half.  Actually, in truth, eyeballing 3 of them.  3 weeks in a row.  May 5, 12 and 19.  We'll see!!

Maybe next year's resolution will be to participate in a 10k.  LOL.  But that is a LONG way off!!