Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Just a quickie for today...

Had to finally suck it up and take my wedding rings in to be re sized.  During the last couple Body Combat classes I have done, they were slipping and sliding and I was afraid they would slip right off.  So, off the the jewelers they went today.  Taking them from a size 9 to a size 7.  And looking at my fingers, I don't see them getting any thinner so this should be a one shot deal LOL.  My hand is naked tho.  I have an anniversary band and that fits well on my left hand so I swapped it for the moment...but my right hand is completely naked and I have no rings that fit it.  They are all too big but really not worth resizing as I hardly wear any of them.  So it is odd when I go to fiddle with my ring and it is not there!

On another plus note, I may have nudged the plateau I hit, as the scale now says I am down 2 more lbs.  2 more lbs closer to my next goal.  Hopefully this keeps up!